I have been taking multiple weekly group classes with Nanci Huner at the Port Jefferson Village Center for almost 2 years. This offsite location features a clean, bright and spacious room that offers a breathtaking view of Port Jefferson Harbor, not a bad way to start the day. The real gym in this room is Nancy herself, a force of nature, her fitness knowledge is vast, her approach is hands-on, she’s also very funny, ridiculously positive, generous and always inspiring us to be the best we can be.
Her fitness workouts feature full body work incorporating weight training, traditional floor exercise and facets of yoga. Although this is a group class, Nanci gives personal attention where needed, constant direction and information regarding what muscles are being worked and the intended result.
Stretch class is a great place to start if you’ve been neglecting your body lately. Done prone on a mat, within a gentle quiet meditated atmosphere, it features a variety of stretches this class is great on its own but especially awesome after the fitness workout.
Beach yoga is done Saturday mornings at east or west beach in Port Jefferson and incorporates stretch and yoga, it’s a great way to start the weekend
These classes have been life-changing for me. I’ve lost weight, gained muscle and dropped several clothing sizes. I am stronger, healthier and more focused. I look forward to each class and Company of the group. We are all there for different reasons, health issues, fitness goals, but whatever your motivation is, Nancy will do her best to guide and help you progress to meet your goals